• General cleaning of the S.F.I.
• Review of visual indicators (local and remote).
• Review of meters, comparing with voltmeter – digital and countermeter.
• Operational review of the systems.
• General internal review.
• Review of the battery bank.
• A report will be delivered with pertinent observations.


1. Remote panel inspection.


2. Ocular review of each of the following points:
a) Signaling of the remote panel.
b) Training seal.
c) Power connections.
d) Precision of the meters.
e) Fans and alarms.
f) Emergency stop operation.
g) Record at room temperature.
h) Review of event history.
i) Check for the presence of alarms.

3. Battery maintenance
a) Surface and connector cleaning.
b) Torque applied to the intercell connectors.
c) Individual voltage.
d) Visual inspection of batteries (leaks, pumping, corrosion, etc.).

4. Reading rectifier parameters
a) Input voltage
b) Consumption
c) Output voltage
d) Output current
e) Verify adjustment of the rectifier current limitation.

5.Dynamic tests on the battery bank (Discharge, Recharge, Response Time)
a) Measurement of maximum discharge current
b) Individual load test
c) Cell type and manufacturer
d) Measurement of maximum output DC current
e) Determination of the time from recharge to full charge

6. Inverter parameter
a) Consumption current
b) Input voltage
c) Review alarms from DC and AC capacitors
d) Measurement of peak-peak values ​​of square waves

7. System Operation
a) Backup line input AC voltage
b) Inverter input AC and DC voltage
c) System output
d) System output power
e) System output current
f) Input voltage to the rectifier
g) Input current to the rectifier

8. Check of detectors (for signaling)

  a) Review of the high voltage trip setting in the rectifier.
b) Determination of the synchrony angle.
c) Review of the operation of the module failure detector.
d) Adjustment of the inverter low voltage trip.
e) Review of the operation of the inverter voltage detector.
f) Check the operation of the bypass voltage detector.
g) Review of the operation of the system output voltage detector.
h) Review of the operation of the overcurrent detector.

9. Set operations

a) Review of rectifier voltage and frequency acceptance ranges with respect to the ranges handled by normal and emergency feeders.
b) Transfer and retransfer operations and tests.
c) Harmonic distortion studies (THD) both at the input and output of the system and delivery of the corresponding results report.
d) Determination of the power factor.
e) Measurement of the resistance of the ground system from which the UPS is fed.
f) Review and assessment of the electrical installation infrastructure. related to UPS's.


Replacement of defective components with new and original components and others with equivalent characteristics.