Efficiency of the Cathodic Protection

What is Cathodic Protection?

Cathodic protection is a method to reduce the corrosion by minimizing the difference in the potential between anode and cathode. This is made by applying a current in a structure that protects some exterior source (like in a pipeline). When a high current is applied the entre structure will be in a potential; this way the anode and cathode sites will not exist. The cathodic protection is commonly used in many kinds of structures, i.e. pipelines, underground storage tanks, bolts and ship’s hull.

As fundamental condition, the components structures of the object to protect and the sacrifice element should stay in electric contact and immerse in an electrolyte.

There are two main kinds of cathodic systems of protection: galvanic and printed current.

Both kinds have anodes (from which the current fall into the electrolyte), a continuous electrolyte of the anode for structure protected (electrolyte is known as the material in which the anode and the cathode will be submerged and this material will serve to lead the current from each other), and an external metallic connection (the conductor). These elements are essential for all cathodic systems of protection.



Proteccion catodica

International Trading has developed a process for efficiency of the Cathodic Protection, test was realized in PEMEX ducts and there is a Patent requested in the IMPI (Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial).

This efficiency consists in:

  • Improve the potential values (minimum vale for protection must be -0.85 V)
  • Will not require maintenance in the anodes for about a year.
  • Increase the rectifiers efficiency.

Protection against Current inductions coming from the underground.

International Trading desarrolló un Sistema para Protección de las Inducciones de Corriente Provenientes del developed a protection system from Inductions coming from the underground (TERRA-SPCIS) which returns to ground any kind of current induction coming from the underground like: parasite currents, errant currents, atmospheric charges that made contact with ground that are wandering on it, radio frequency interferences, electromagnetic interferences, etc., avoiding that get to the equipment and damage it.


Protección inducción de corriente - International Trading
Protección inducción de corriente - International Trading

Anti-vandal Solution

International Trading developed an anti-vandal solution in which the electrode of the electromagnetic grounding system is made of stainless steel, so it minimizes the robbery risk, besides that the wire used is made of galvanized steel and instead of ground bars we put galvanized steel rings to avoid vandalism.

Solución antivandálica

Mobile units solutions

For a special Project in IMSS for mobile units, which carry medical attention to far places in the country, International Trading developed a solution to land to ground the equipment that carry this units in order to protect them against fail currents by draining them to ground with our Terragauss electromagnetic grounding system.
Sistema de puesta a tierra Terragauss unidades moviles IMSS 2 - International Trading
Sistema de puesta a tierra Terragauss unidades moviles IMSS - International Trading